She's too shy to say hello.

Monday, October 15, 2018


I am ready to let go and let God determines the rest. Because Im tired of taking for granted. Im tired of not being appreciated. Im done, I have been keeping these feelings for years, not telling the world because I was afraid their opinions about you will change. I didnt want them to hate you. but now i do. All the silences, they didnt help our relationship at all. Anyway, anyhow I need you to be gone and I need my happiness back.

you once asked me "when we first started to like each other, why you didnt reply me when I asked if I say I love you, will you love me back?" and the answer is, I knew if we were together, over time it'll be wears off so its better if we just stay friends. but fuck me, I lost and I loved you. Now I get what I deserve. I finally remember why I dont want us to be more than friends, because of this.

Sometimes we all just need someone to listen, and you never did, anymore.